Friday, October 14, 2011

August 23, 2011 Claire's First Day at Good Sheppard School!

Claire began 4K at Good Sheppard, she was sad to leave Stepping Stone and all her friends of 2 years but excited to start a new big girl school. Libby and Kai attend GS, familiar faces has made it an easy transition. The first day of school Claire was concerned about her new uniform and the second day said "that outfit again Mommy?" Claire loves her new school and all her new friends. Mrs. Morgan is her teacher and Claire is learning so much. She has already learned countless bible verses and songs, the lord’s prayer, the pledge of allegiance, writes and sounds out all her letters, counts to 50 without missing a beat and writes her name. Seems like Claire grew up over night, mommy and daddy are so proud!

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